Hi there, Dr. Todd here.

I remember coming across this quote that really resonated with me. It went something like this, “when the story of your life is written, make sure you’re the one holding the pen.” I can’t recall precisely where I read it, and I don’t know who wrote it. But that message has always had such a profound impact on me. Don’t ever let anybody else dictate what you’re going to do with your life. There is no shortage of people trying to decide what you can and can’t do. Have you ever shared one of your dreams with a relative, a friend or a colleague only to have them cast doubts on your abilities? But here is the thing. They’re not the ones that have to live with the decisions that you make, but you do. So let me ask you, who do you want holding the pen?

So what is my story? I’m a board certified Internal medicine Physician practicing in the heart of the midwest. Cincinnati to be precise. I’m team Skyline all the way (if you know you know.) I’ve spent most of my life here. Born and raised. I married my junior high sweet heart straight out of high school and we have 3 amazing children. My road to medicine was bumpy. I suppose thats probably because I had no idea what I really wanted to do with my life. I was in College to be a teacher. History and social studies were my forte. My epiphany moment came one night while working a part time job. I witnessed a woman go into cardiac arrest and there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless. I couldn’t sleep that night, It kept replaying in my mind as I wondered what else I could’ve done. 

The next morning, I went to the office of my college advisor and changed my major to pre-med.

From there the cascade turned into a tsunami. The next 9 years would be an onslaught of learning and training that would take me across two continents. I spent 2 years studying in Australia, eating plenty of shrimp off the barbie. (okay fun fact about that, Australians don’t actually call them shrimp. They’re called prawns. So you can imagine my disappointment when no Australians got my joke!) Followed by 2 years training in New Orleans (geaux Tigers). Finally I found myself back to where it all began in Cincinnati where I’ve spent the last 8 years working in primary care.

Why the blog? Obviously, as a physician I prescribe lots and lots of medications. But I’ve always found myself drawn to the holistic and the natural as well. I think there is tremendous power in nature and we’ve only scratched the surface. My goal is to blend the worlds of modern medicine with the holistic realm. I tackle some of the most common medical concerns and provide tips to treat without having to leave your home.

I’m excited to see where this goes and I’m happy to take requests or suggestions. If there is something you want to see, just let me know. I’ll have a new blog post every week and If you stick around you may get to hear a dad joke or two.

“What do you call a jalapeño that graduated medical school?”

…Dr Pepper.

I’ll be here all week.